This message is on the back of photo from a box lot I received recently:
"This is us and our family which is left taken by our home. We have been out here for two years now, and like it. You folks sure look well on the card and the baby is so sweet and the other children are growing so fast. Cliford you sure look nice and Viv too, can't believe it must have put on some (...) C I mean sure look well and happy wish you all the happiness in the new year. I was in Wisc. in Sept. our twin son got married. Got to go to Chicago with Hilda wish now she would have taken me to see you folks instead. Well maybe some other time."
Uncle Ernest Gusta + family (1955) (the family names on the box lot photos include Baumann & Gruenke)
Also in the family collection is this striking photo. There are no other photos like it so I am curious. What is the mystery to be found here? Are they part of this family? Visitors from overseas?
The detail of the scarves is incredible work. Definitely something special.
Do you have any ideas about where the men could have been from? Be sure to let me know.
As always, these are stray photos I would like to return to the family. I will post more information about the Bauman & Gruenke family soon.
Thank you for stopping by to have a read!
Sandy & the sheep
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*please contact me with any corrections for this article*